Animation object
Inputs(20) xm ym W H i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20
Parameters(10) Type p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10
Default Type=0, p2=0, p3=0, p4=0, p5=0, p6=0, p7=0, p8=0, p9=0, p10=0,
Text1 Text to be displayed in the animated object
Text2 Not used
Select from Components/Blocks/All
Function The animation object is only active if the Animation mode is activated. The parameter p1 indicates the type of the object which is animated. The inputs are generally the coordinates and weight/radius and height/angle of the component:

xmX coordinate (Left upper of the object)
ymY coordinate (Left upper of the object)
WWidth or radius
HHeight or Angle(Rad)

The left upper coordinate on the screen equals xm=0 ym=0. Depending on the value on the inputs, the object will move/rotate during the animation. For the SRM machine and the analo meter, the inputs are added to the defiend prameters. This will allow you to defined these parameters also by the input signals. Not connected inputs have as numerical value 0. Text can be defined in the at the Text1 input field
0No animation object defined.
1Text defined in the Text1 field will be displayed in the object block.
10Rectangle positioned from (xm,ym) to (xm+W,ym+H).
11Text defined in the Text1 field will be displayed in a Rectangle positioned from (xm,ym) to (xm+W,ym+H).
12Rectangle positioned from (xm,ym) to (xm+W,ym+H) with rounded corners.
13Text defined in the Text1 field will be displayed in a Rectangle positioned from (xm,ym) to (xm+W,ym+H) with rounded corners.
14Ellipse positioned in a virtual rectangle from (xm,ym) to (xm+W,ym+H).
15Circle with centre (xm,ym) and radius W.
16Circle with centre (xm,ym), radius W and position indicator (angle=H (in Radians)).
17Line from (xm,ym) to (W,H).
18Arrow with centre (xm,ym), length 2*W, and angle H (in Radians).
20Elevator with centre (xm,100), initial position ym, radius of the wheel W, and angle H (in Radians).
21Conveyor belt. Left wheel at (xm,100), radius 2*W and angle H (in Radians). Right wheel at (xm+ym), radius 2*W and angle H (in Radians). The size of the moving block equals 2*W by 2*W.
22Car on two wheels. Left wheel at (xm,100), radius 2*W and angle H (in Radians). Right wheel at (xm+ym), radius 2*W and angle H (in Radians). The size of the moving car equals 2*W by 4*W.
23Crane with load. Top wheel positioned at (xm,100), radius 2*W and angle H (in Radians). The size of the load equals 2*W by 2*W and has an initial position of ym.
24Spindle with load. Left wheel positioned at (xm,100). The height/width of the box and the load equals ym/5. The lenght of the table equals ym, the load is moving W/turn depending on the angle H (in Radians).
30Switched reluctance machine. The machine is centered at (xm,ym) with radius W and is rotating with an angle H (in radians).
p2+i5Number of Stator poles
p3+i6Number of Rotor poles
p4+i7Width of a Stator pole (in Radians)
p5+i8Width of a Rotor pole (in Radians)

The rotor is rotating depending on the angle H (in Radians). In the initial position the left side of the upper rotor pole is aligned with the right side of the upper stator pole.
31Stepper motor. The machine is centered at (xm,ym) with radius W and is rotating with an angle H (in radians).
The size of the iron equals 3*W by 2*W.
40Analog meter. The meter is positioned at (p2+i5,p3+i6) with a size of 2*(p4+i7) by 1.5*(p4+i7). The meter indicates the value of the first input (xm).
p2+i5X-coordinate of the left upper position.
p3+i6Y-coordinate of the left upper position.
p4+i7Width and height of the meter. The width equals 2*p4, the height equals 1.5*p4.
p5+i8Left scale value.
p6+i9Right scale value.
p7+i10Number of grid intervals on the scale.

If the input value (xm) is outside the range (p5+i8..p6+i9), a red sign will turn on.
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