Properties of the animation


Set the properties of the animation.

What to do: Open the animation properties dialog box by selecting Options/Animation, or clicking with the left mouse button on the rainbow on the left side of the screen.
Animate nodal voltagesThe nodes are colored depending on the level of the voltage on a circuit node or the level of the signal on a block diagram node.
Animate component currentsThe components are colored depending on the level of the current through that component.
Animate wire currentsThe wires in the block-diagram are colored depending on the level of the signal.
Animate block diagramThe inputs and outputs in the block diagram are colored depending on the level of the signal.
Display output / voltage numericalThe value of the voltage on circuit nodes and the value of the signal in the block diagram are displayed numerical.
The color during the animation is defined seperately for the electric circuit nodes, current through circuit components and the level of the signal in the block diagram. If the value equals the value specified at [Min], the color is black. If the value equals the value specified at [Max], the color is red. The color is changing from black to red, linearly depending on the value.
Result: Define the properties of the animation.


You can open the Animation-properties dialog box by clicking on the rainbow.
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