Caspoc Online Simulator Examples
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The online simulator is able to run simple power electronic circuits. Although the simulator is dedicated towards educational examples, it is capable to model detailed electric and electronic circuits. Be aware that the simulator is running within your browser, so simulation speed depends on the type of device you are using.
Add component: Click on a component in the tree on the left side, then click/touch on the schematic to place the component.
Edit component: Double click or hammer twice on the component will open an edit dialog box. You can also select the component by clicking/touching it once and then select the edit icon.
Add wire: Click/Touch on a connection point (open circle), drag the wire and release.
Select: Click/Touch a component to select it, drag a rectangle to select multiple components.
(On the desktop:) Shift-click to include another component.
Move: Click/Touch and drag to a new location.
Cut/Copy/Paste: The icons ,
are enabled as soon as a component or component selection is clicked.
Delete: Click/Touch to select, then click/touch the icon or hit BACKSPACE on your keyboard.
Rotate/Mirror: Click/Touch to select the component, then click the rotation icon or type the letter "r" to rotate 90. Repeat for more rotations and vertical and horizontal mirror, there are 9 possibilities.
Numbers may be entered using engineering notation,
T = 1012, G = 109, M = 106, k = 103
m = 10-3, u = 10-6, n = 10-9, p = 10-12, f = 10-15
Simulation Buck Converter
Buck converter 50%Simulation Boost Converter
Boost converter 66%Simulation Buck-Boost Converter
BuckBoost converter 50%Simulation Boost Converter ideal components discontinuous mode
Boost converter IdealSimulation Boost Converter discontinuous mode with Mosfet output capacitance modeled
Boost converter output capacitance MosfetSimulation U4L Single leg
Single Leg U4LSimulation U4L Blanking time
Single Leg blanking timeSimulation U4L with Blanking time and start up
Single Leg blanking timeSimulation Mosfet Switching transients
Mosfet SwitchingSimulation Mosfet Gate charge
Gate ChargeSimulation Droop Controller
Current limiter DC analysisCurrent limiter Transient analysis
Droop Control
Sunlight Droop Control
Droop Control transient
Dual loads:
Droop Control dual load
Inrush limiter
Inrush without current limit, only wire inductance
Inrush without current limit resistor, never reaches the desired output voltage
Inrush with inductive input
Inrush with inductive input turned off?
Inrush with current limiter
Short circuit detection
Bipolar/Unipolar grid
Bipolar grid
Unipolar grid
AC Single Phase, 2230 Watt
DC ready AC appliance?
DC ready with start up
Radial Series
Radial Parallel
Radial Ring structure