Electric drives based on name plate parameters.
Parameters of electrical machines are not always easy to get from the manufacturer. Especially if the machine is already old and measurements are not possible. Also for a first prototype of a design, a simple set up ofa drive simulation comes in handy. Therefore machines models that are based on name plate parameters can be used. Internally the complete mathemetical equations for the machine model are included, but its parameters are calculated based on the name plate parameters. Needless to say that some approiximaltions are made, but he machine model itself is as accurate as the other machine models.
The machine models are in the library ElectricalMachines
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](im.bmp)
Modeling the induction machine is very simple. In fact only the nominal power Pnominal[Watt] has to be specified. All other parameters can be set to 0.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](imparameters0.gif)
Default the machine has the following parameter, that are also used to calculate the default parameters in case only the nominal power of the machine is supplied.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](imparameters.gif)
The simulation below shows the start up of an induction machine connected to a quadratic load.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](imdrive.gif)
A brushless DC drive is depending on the switching action of the inverter. Here the correct modeling of the switches in the inverter is essential and for the following simulation, the complete inverter model with ideal switching components is choosen. The parameters for this inverter can be left to the default values, or other parameters can be specified. The switching losses are modeled by this inverter model.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](inverterparameters.gif)
The parameters for the brushless DC machine are easy to provide. The nominal power, voltage and speed as well as pole pair and efficiency are required. The model is internally the complete brushelss DC machine model, where the internal parameters are approximated from the provided parameter set.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](brushlessparameters.gif)
The simulation below shows the start up of the brushless DC drive. The hall sensors from the Brushless DC machine are connected to the gates of the inverter and thereby creating a simple control feedback. The DC converter feeding the inverter is a current limited controlled DC DC converter. Here the output voltage is constant and the output current is limited. A quadratic load is connected to the machine and the mechanical power to the load is measured by a power sensor form the sensor library.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](brushless.gif)
The maximum output current form the DCDC converter is limited and therefore there is a limit on the torque produced by the brushless machine. The control block is from the library PowerConverters/Inverters3Phase/BrushlessHall2SixPulse, while the inverter is from library PowerConverters/Inverters3Phase/Inverter. Sensors for measuring the power, voltage, current and power factor are in the library sensors.