Adding notes in the schematic
To add notes to your schematic, use the block note. After selecting and dragging the block onto the schematic you can open the note properties dialog box by right clicking it with the mouse pointer or by a double click.
Select the NOTE block from components/Blocks/Miscellaneous
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](note1.gif)
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](note1a.gif)
A NOTE block can be moved to any position on the screen and its size can be adjusted by dragging the bottom-right resize grip.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](note2.gif)
After dragging and resizing the NOTE block, the block can be filled with text. A NOTE block is always displayed behind other components. Clicking any component that is displayed over a NOTE block, will affect the component and not the NOTE block.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](note3.gif)
In the text field you can type the text and seperate lines using the
[ENTER] key. A NOTE block can have any color. Specify the color by
selecting the [Color] button in properties dialog box.
The text inside the NOTE block is wrapped by the right border of the NOTE block. After typing the text in the properties dialog box, the size ofthe NOTE block can be changed using the resize grip.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](note5.gif)
A NOTE block is always displayed behind other components and blocks and it can therefore be used to indicate a group of components.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](stiffshaft.gif)
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](CaspocMenuFigure.gif)
Because the NOTE block is displayed behind the other components, you can
select and edit all the components that are within the borders of the
NOTE frame. You can use different background fill colors for the NOTE
blocks to indicate various component groups.
Be carefull not to place notes over each other.
Notes inside library blocks are not visible in the main schematic, unless the contents of the library block are viewed from the project manager Project/Schematic.
The NOTE block is also used to display the parameters that are assigned by the user to a component or library block. At the second text input field in the NOTE properties dialog box, specify the name of the component or library block, to list the parameters of that component or block on the NOTE.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](note6.gif)
In the NOTE properties dialog box above, the name of the component is "PERMANENTMAGNET1", being the name of the DC permanent magnet motor in the schematic. All the parameters that the user can enter in the properties dialog box for the component "PERMANENTMAGNET1" will be shown in the NOTE.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](note7.gif)
The parameters of the permanent magnet motor displayed in the above
properties dialog box of the permanent machine are entered by the user.
When the properties dialog box is closed, theses parameters are somehow
hidden for the user. Using the NOTE block, you can show these parameters
in the schematic.
The parameters of the permanent magnet motor are displayed in note, behind the text specified in the first text field.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](note8.gif)
The NOTE with the parameter listing can be placed on any position on the schematic. Resize the NOTE to fit the given text and the listing of the parameters.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](note10.png)
The style of the NOTE can changed from default style with text inside the Note or otherwise a Frame.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](note11.png)
Changing the style into a frame.