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Building an inverter from scratch using discrete Mosfet or IGBT models!
Mosfet and IGBT
How to build a three phase inverter with R-L load
We start this series of tutorials on building a three phase inverter with creating a three phase inverter build from discrete components. These components can be found in the section Components/Circuit. We add a simple Pulse Width Modulation by simply adding a centerline block from the Components/Library/PowerConverters/InverterControl/Modulation section and a three phase reference source from the Components/Library/PowerConverters/InverterControl/Source section. All required components can be found in the sections as shown below.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/basicinverterinvertercontrol.png)
Mosfet & IGBT
We start with building the inverter itself from discrete Mosfets and diodes.
All components are from the Components/Circuit/RLC, Components/Circuit/Sources and Components/Circuit/Semiconductorssections.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/basiccomponents.png)
First add a ground symbol (from the bottom button bar) and this is also the same button bar where you can select a scope. More on the scope later in this tutorial. Adding the ground symbol is of practical use when you begin building the circuit. First of all, you need a reference ground level as all voltage are referenced to the ground node. Second, by adding the ground symbol, Caspoc will not add the ground node by itself somewhere in the schematic.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/groundscope.png)
After the ground symbol is added (1), we are going to add the voltage source(2), Mosfet and Diodes(3) and connect everything by wires(4). First we construct a single leg.We will then copy this leg two times for the second and third phase.
- First add the ground symbol from the bottom button bar, by clicking the ground button on the bottom button bar. Please the ground symbol somewhere on the schematic, we can move it later.
- Add the voltage source from the Components/Circuit/Sources section. While dragging the component you can rotate it by clicking it with the right mouse button.
- Add the two Mosfets and two diodes from the Components/Circuit/Semiconductor section. While dragging the component you can rotate it by clicking it with the right mouse button. Please them such that there is enough room between them for the wiring to the output.
- Connect all components by wires. Left click on a node, drag and drop on the node where to connect to.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter1.png)
We are going to copy the leg to create the second and third leg. To do this, drag a rubber band around the first leg, see the dashed rectangular.
- Press Ctrl-C on the keyboard and the selected components and wires are copied to the clipboard.
- Press Ctrl-V and drag the copied components next to the first leg. Click with the left mouse button to place the selection.
- Press Ctrl-V again and again drag the copied components next to the second leg. Click with the left mouse button to place the selection.
- Connect all nodes via wires by clicking the beginning node with the left mouse button, holding the left mouse button down, drag the mouse and release the left mouse button over the end node.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter2.png)
A passive load being a series connection of a resistor and inductor is selected from the Components/Circuit/RLC section. While dragging the component you can rotate it by clicking it with the right mouse button. Notice that there is a small dot displaying on the left side of the R and L. It shows the direction of the current measurement through the component and we already place them such, that the current is measured going from left to right.
Please R and L such that there is enough room between them for the wiring to the output.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter3.png)
Connect the load with the inverter in such a way that the phase do not connect. Start with drawing wires from a node. You can end the wire at any position on the schematic. First draw a wire from the left node of the inductor to just in front of the inverter, see the red and green arrows. Next we connect that wire to the inverter.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter4.png)
Finally connect the remaining wires to the inverter. You could also leave more space between the high side and low side mosfets, but this only enlarges the circuit.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter5.png)
The passive load will be parametrised such, that we will see a nice sinusoidal current. We choose a R=100Ω and L=100mH to get a nice meaningful result in the scope which is easy to interpret. The time constant τ=L/R is equal to τ=1ms and the current will be limited below 3 Amperes.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter6.png)
Right click each inductor and enter a value of 100mH.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter6-l.png)
Right click each resistor and enter a value of 100Ω.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter6-r.png)
Right click the voltage source and enter a value of 600 volt.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter6-v.png)
Now that the components are parametrised we can add the control blocks. We select a simple PWM regulation and therefore we take a Centerline block from the Components/Library/PowerConverters/InverterControl/Modulation section. The inputs for this block are the three phase modulation indices. We can give any signal here, as long as it is between -1 and +1. The output voltage will be modulated as Vout=((m+1)/2)*Vdc.
The switching frequency is set in the Centerline block and in this simulation it is chosen to be 20kHz. This is equal to a period of T=50μ seconds and therefore 50u is entered as parameter in the Centerline block.
For the modulation indices we will use a three phase signal with an amplitude of 1 and a frequency of 50Hz. From the Components/Library/PowerConverters/InverterControl/Source section we select the block 3phase. In this block we can define a three phase signal where we can specify frequency, amplitude and phase. Since we need a modulation signal we keep the amplitude equal to 1. This means that he signals will vary from -1 to +1 in a sinusoidal matter. The modulation Centerline block will follow this signals and produces a sinusoidal output voltage.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter-modulation.png)
To see the currents in the simulation, we are adding a scope. Select the scope from the bottom button bar and place it next to the load. Drag the right-bottom corner of the scope to enlarge the scope and to add more inputs. The inputs will appear automatically when enlarging the scope.
To measure current in the load, click with he left mouse button on the input circle of the scope, keep the left mouse button pressed down and drag over the circuit component, where you release the left mouse button. Upon correct hovering above the circuit element a green flag will appear saying that releasing will create the current measurement.
Notice that all circuit components R and L have a small dot on the left side. This means that current is measured flowing from the dotted node through the component. You can rotate the component to change the current measurement direction by selecting the component by a left mouse click and then to press Ctrl-R on the keyboard.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter-scope.png)
Before we can start the simulation, we have to set the correct simulation parameters. We assume that we want to see a complete period.
Open the simulation paramters dialog box by clicking on the timing parameters in the bottom statusbar.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/simulationparameters.png)
Change the parameter Tscreen to 20ms, to see a complete period. Notice that we have selected a switching frequency of 20kHz, so a simulation step size of maximum 1μs is needed to have a more or less correct simulation.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/simpar20m1u.png)
Start the simulation by pressing the enter key or select Simulation/Start Simulation from the menu.
![[Click to view larger image] <br>Click to close the image](../figures/mosfetigbt/inverter-scope-run.png)