Drive Cycle

A driving cycle commonly represents a set of vehicle speed points versus time. It is used to assess fuel consumption and pollutants emissions of a vehicle in a normalized way, so that different vehicles can be compared. The driving cycle is performed on a chassis dynamometer, where tailpipes emissions of the vehicle are collected and analyzed to assess the emissions rates.

In commercial vehicles area, the driving cycle is not performed on a vehicle dynamometer but on an engine dynamometer and is evaluated through a set of engine torque and speed points instead of vehicle speed points.

There are two kinds of driving cycles, the modal cycles as the European standard NEDC, or Japanese 10-15 Mode and the transient cycles as the FTP cycle. Main difference is that modal cycles are a compilation of straight acceleration and constant speed periods and are not representative of a real driver behavior, whereas transient cycles involve many speed variations, typical of on-road driving conditions.

In Caspoc several drive cycles are modeled. You find them in the Math&System section under Source. Parameter p1 defines the drive cycle and is set as: p1=1:nedc; p1=2:ftp[mph]; p1=3:wltc1; p1=4:wltc2; p1=5:wltc3; p1=6:ece; p1=7:eudc; p1=8:eudcl; p1=9:hudds; p1=10:im240; p1=11:j1015; p1=12:jpn10; p1=13:jpn15; p1=14:la92; p1=15:la92short; p1=16:nycc; p1=17:sc03; p1=18:us06; p1=19:hwycol[mph]; p1=20:udds; p1=21:mph30; p1=22:mph60; <br>Click to close the image

European driving cycles


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The NEDC is used as reference cycle for homologating vehicles until Euro6 norm in Europe and some other countries. It is made of an urban part called ECE, which is repeated four times, and an extra-urban part, the EUDC.

Here are the main characteristics of the cycle:

Distance 11023 m
Duration1180 s
Average speed 33.6 km/h

This cycle is criticized by experts as it doesn’t represent real life driving conditions. Indeed, accelerations are very soft; there are a lot of constant speed cruises and a lot of idle events. This make impossible to obtain certified values when driving with the vehicle in real conditions. For those reasons, a solution to replace the NEDC is being explored by European authorities. The new cycle called Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) will probably appear for the upcoming norm Euro7.

American driving cycles

FTP-75 cycle

The FTP cycle (for Federal Test Procedure) has been created by US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to represent a commuting cycle with a part of urban driving including frequent stops and a part of highway driving.

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Here are the main characteristics of the cycle:

Distance 11.04 miles (17.77 km)
Duration1874 s
Average speed 21.2 mph (34.1 km/h)

Highway Fuel Economy Test cycle

The Highway fuel economy test (HWFET) is used to assess fuel economy over highway driving cycle.

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Here are the main characteristics of the cycle:

Distance 12.26 miles (16.45 km)
Duration765 s
Average speed 48.3 mph (77.7 km/h)

Other test cycles

In 2007, EPA decided to add 3 more cycles to the existing ones, in order to better reflect real world driving conditions.

The first one is the US06, which is a complement to what is missing in FTP-75 cycle. Indeed, this cycle has a higher top speed of 80 mph (130 km/h) and some higher acceleration which represents a much more aggressive driving behavior.

The SC03 is another added cycle which particularity is to be performed at 35°C ambient temperature. This is needed for taking into account the air-conditioning in fuel consumption and emissions calculations.

The last added cycle is the “cold cycle”. This is in fact a FTP-75 performed at -7°C ambient temperature.

Japanese driving cycles

The 10-15 mode cycle

The 10-15 mode Japanese cycle is being used for emissions and fuel consumption certification in Japan. It simulates both urban and motorway cycle, including idling, accelerations, cruising and decelerations. The measurements are performed while engine is hot, after a standard warming procedure.

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Here are the main characteristics of the cycle:

Distance 4.16 km
Duration660 s
Average speed 22.7 km/h

Global harmonized driving cycle

Like previous cycles, the Worldwide Harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP) is a test performed on chassis dynamometer. It allows to evaluate the pollutants and emissions, the fuel economy but also the electric range of light duty vehicles (passenger cars and vans). It is developed by European, Japanese and Indian experts in order to replace the NEDC cycle by 2013-2014.

The test procedure is divided into 3 cycles, depending on a power to mass ratio of the tested vehicle. This power to mass ratio (PMR) is defined as the rated power in W divided by the curb weight in kg. 3 classes are then defined as given in the following table:

Power to mass ratioComments
Class 3PMR ≥ 34If Vmax < 135 km/h, the Extra High speed part is replaced with Low speed part
Class 222< PMR < 34If Vmax < 90 km/h, the High speed part is replaced with Low speed part
Class 1 PMR ≤ 22If Vmax < 70 km/h, the Medium speed part is replaced with Low speed part

Class 3 cycle

Class 3 cycle is made of four speed zones: one representative of urban driving, one suburban driving, one extra-urban driving, and a highway zone.

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Here are the main characteristics of the cycle:

Distance 23.262 km
Duration1800 s
Average speed 46.5 km/h

Class 2 cycle

Class 2 cycle is representing low, medium and relatively high vehicle speeds, covering Indian vehicles and European and Japanese low power vehicles.

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Here are the main characteristics of the cycle:

Distance 14.664 km
Duration1477 s
Average speed 35.7 km/h

Class 1 cycle

This cycle is made of low and medium speed zones. It is typical of low power vehicles that can be found in India.

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Here are the main characteristics of the cycle:

Distance 8.091 km
Duration1022 s
Average speed 28.5 km/h

Custom Drive cycle

A custom drive cycle can be created using the Lookup Table. Create a text file with a two column table with in the first column the time in seconds and in the second column the speed in, for example, km/h.

time [s]      speed [km/h]

Inside the text file are the two columns spereated with only a space. If we would like to model the US06 drive cycle, we could set up the file us06.txt and fill it as: <br>Click to close the image


As can be seen from this data, a single run from this drive cycle runs from 0 to 592 seconds. The figure below shows a custom continuous drive cycle. <br>Click to close the image

Suppose the custom drive cycle should repeat over and over gain, the parameter Repetitive in the block LookUp1D should be set to 1. <br>Click to close the image

The LookUp1D block is selcted from the Math&System section from Functions&Tables and the block Time from Source. <br>Click to close the image

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