Inductors and transformers are key components of modern power electronic circuits. Compared to other passive components, they are relatively difficult to model the following reasons:
In Caspoc the user can build complex magnetic components in a special magnetic domain, based on the magnetic resistance analogy. The main advantage against the permeance-capacitance method found in many other simulators is the accuracy, stability and the simplicity of mixing it with real resistance circuit components. Basic elements such as windings, cores and air gaps can be found in the component library. By connecting these elements according to the physical geometry of magnetic circuit, the user can create equivalent circuits of magnetic components. Windings form the interface between the electric and magnetic domain.
Alternatively, less complex magnetic components such as saturable reactors and single-phase and three-phase transformers can be modeled directly in the electrical domain. There is an extensive set of coupled windings especially for modeling Switched Mode Power Supplies SMPS. These models are either ideal coupled windings, or include the magnetic properties like found in the data sheet of the magnetic material