Create a report from your simulation.

Caspoc has a build in report generator to create internet-enabled reports from yopur simulation. After finishing your simulations, select "Tools/Export HTML" for creating your report.

<br>Click to close the image

Fill the edit fields with:

  1. The title of your report
  2. Component details
  3. Remarks

Select the [Export] button to create your report. The report will be saved under the same filename as your simulation file, with the .html extension. The worksscreen (schematic) will be saved as an Enhanced Meta File (EMF) with the .emf exension. All scope output will be saved with the extension .scopei.emf

You can use HTML editing commands for formatting the text in your report:

<b>bold</b> b
<i>italic</i> i
x<sup>2</sup> x2
x<sub>0</sub> x0

You can use tables or ordered lists in the HTML format.

<table bgcolor="silver" border="1" >
<tr><td>R</td><td>1 ohm</td></tr>


R1 ohm

<li>remark 1</li>
<li>remark 2</li>
<li>remark 3</li>


  1. remark 1
  2. remark 2
  3. remark 3

To include Greek characters, you can use a character code to create the character. Start with &# followed by the character code and followed by a semicolon. For example, the code

&#969; gives ω
&#183; gives · (middle dot)

&#183; - ·
&#223; - ß
&#246; - ö
&#228; - ä
&#252; - ü
&#214; - Ö
&#196; - Ä
&#220; - Ü
&#235; - ë
&#233; - é
&#910; - Ύ
&#911; - Ώ
&#912; - ΐ
&#913; - Α
&#914; - Β
&#915; - Γ
&#916; - Δ
&#917; - Ε
&#918; - Ζ
&#919; - Η
&#920; - Θ
&#921; - Ι
&#922; - Κ
&#923; - Λ
&#924; - Μ
&#925; - Ν
&#926; - Ξ
&#927; - Ο
&#928; - Π
&#929; - Ρ
&#930; - ΢
&#931; - Σ
&#932; - Τ
&#933; - Υ
&#934; - Φ
&#935; - Χ
&#936; - Ψ
&#937; - Ω
&#938; - Ϊ
&#939; - Ϋ
&#940; - ά
&#941; - έ
&#942; - ή
&#943; - ί
&#944; - ΰ
&#945; - α
&#946; - β
&#947; - γ
&#948; - δ
&#949; - ε
&#950; - ζ
&#951; - η
&#952; - θ
&#953; - ι
&#954; - κ
&#955; - λ
&#956; - μ
&#957; - ν
&#958; - ξ
&#959; - ο
&#960; - π
&#961; - ρ
&#962; - ς
&#963; - σ
&#964; - τ
&#965; - υ
&#966; - φ
&#967; - χ
&#968; - ψ
&#969; - ω
&#970; - ϊ
&#971; - ϋ
&#972; - ό
&#973; - ύ
&#974; - ώ

Output format

The format of the exported page is defined by a template. Inside Options/Options you can set the the style of the exported HTML page. Select Workbook to have the full format, or Tutorial with less text info, or Example to disable all scopes in the exported file.

Figure sizes

The size of the figures in the HTML export can be adjusted to fit the figure inside a word document. The size is given as a relative value from 10 to 100% in the dialog box Options/Options .

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